Fundraiser Milestones Progress
2021 Milestones
Completed during Fundraiser Stream
- Crack open the first caffeine of the day (Full team)
- 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, and run 1 mile in the morning and evening daily. For 1 month. (Kevin)
- Eat a salad for dinner 5 days a week. For 1 month. (Sean, Bobby)
- Myke will shave his head, and share photos!
Making good on a promise to shave my head if @sharkims reached a certain donation goal for sick kiddos at @seattlechildren. Long story short, we blew passed that goal very quickly.
— Cooler Master Beardman (@BeardmanMyke) February 22, 2021
- RingFit streams(only Sean will stream) will resume, once a week, rotating morning and evening with challenges. (Sean, Shelby, Brandi)
- Give up desserts for 3 months. (Sean)
- Sing a Pirate Sea Shanty. (Full team)
- Once a week for 3 months, a live stream from a hiking trail of Sean(only Sean for the live stream), or an Instagram posted shared on Discord. (Sean, Shelby, Brandi)
- Once a week, a Twitch viewer gets to decide the time(can not be during an already scheduled time for Sean) of a stream, and what game Sean will be playing. (Sean)
- Woodrow will live stream a bike ride. (Woodrow)
- For 6 months, Tim will grow out his hair. (Tim, Sean)
- The Kevins will host a weekly podcast known as the “Bearded Kevin Podcast”, interviewing a team member from SAF, or a member of the discord on a topic of their choice for 3 months. (Kev, Kevin)
2020 Milestones
- The following milestones from 2020 remain incomplete due to COVID-19 restrictions:
Michael and Nate will train up and do a 20 mile walk, track with AllTrails and live Tweet the experience.
Brandi, Sean, Shelby, Tyler and maybe more will jump into the very cold lake in March live on stream.