Fundraiser Results and Some Changes
First, as always, our supporters have made our most recent fundraiser a great success. We want to send out a big THANK YOU to everyone who donated, participated and helped out in any way with Saturday’s event. Sharkims and Friends couldn’t possibly do this without all of you. Our total for the year is currently at $21,583, less than $2.500 shy of our total yearly goal of $24,000. Remember, there’s still plenty of time to donate to Seattle Children’s Hospital and all the amazing work they do. You can find a link and more details here: https://sharkimsandfriends.org/fundraiser/
Second, and perhaps more importantly to some, we are lowering the threshold for our third PC give-away from $24,000 to $22,000. So, we just need to raise $417 more to give that PC out to a lucky member of our community!
We are doing this for a couple of reasons. The biggest reason of all was an honest conversation on our team about the goal we set in light of lots of worries about the global economy. You don’t have to look far to find click bait articles warning of recession, and inflation has hit our pocket-books as hard as anyone else. So, with that in mind, we re-aligned our goal to respect you, our community. We know you give what you can, and we didn’t want silly things like the global economy to stand between us and a give-away.